For Sale1 Bedroom House in Cathederal Road, Cardiff£10,000,000
Property Type
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Guide Price
Key Features
- Curabitur id vulputate sem, nec laoreet purus. Nulla dui lectus, aliquam ac dui eu, feugiat posuere magna. Nam vitae felis porttitor, fermentum metus gravida, posuere libero.
Mauris lobortis euismod nisl, vel luctus diam ultrices vitae. Mauris tellus velit, posuere id tortor sollicitudin, consectetur dictum libero. Fusce at nunc in massa dapibus mattis. Suspendisse ut sem accumsan, aliquam lacus sit amet, aliquam tortor. Cras eu sapien ac nisi bibendum mattis in et sapien. Duis egestas nisi eget felis semper, sit amet finibus nisl lacinia. Sed et arcu id est aliquet fringilla. Nunc odio libero, facilisis congue erat at, tempus maximus elit. Vestibulum cursus elementum rhoncus. Sed gravida malesuada velit a lacinia. Proin viverra non diam non auctor. Nullam vitae nisi et felis semper sollicitudin. Integer ipsum dui, fermentum ut arcu bibendum, consectetur pellentesque diam.
Outside - Sed non aliquet quam, et gravida dui. Nullam sem ex, commodo et libero a, pretium mattis felis. Cras rutrum consectetur felis, at condimentum nibh dignissim et. Pellentesque at suscipit odio, in hendrerit ante.
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In order to offer flexible appointment times, we have a team of dedicated Viewings Specialists who will show you around. Whilst they know as much as possible about each property, in-depth questions may be better directed towards the Sales Team in the office.
If you would rather a ‘virtual viewing’ where one of the team shows you the property via a live streaming service, please just let us know.
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