For SaleProperty in Michaelchurch Escley, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR2£70,000
Property Type
Guide Price
Best and Final offers to be received by 12 noon on Wednesday 4th December 2024.
**Best and Final offers to be received by 12 noon on Wednesday 4th December 2024.**
Permanent pasture with Dutch barn and road frontage. Available as a whole
Extending to approximately 8.08 acres as a whole, the land comprises two parcels of permanent pasture and benefits from road frontage. The topography of the land is generally level, and the soil is classified as Grade 3 being lime-rich loamy and clayey soils. There is a Dutch barn and lean-to building located on the western boundary of the southern parcel which is utilised for agricultural storage purposes. A line of trees separates the two parcels of land. The land is currently used for livestock grazing however has the potential for amenity or environmental opportunities (subject to planning permission).
Method of sale: The land south west of Michaelchurch Escley is offered for sale as a whole by private treaty.
Wayleaves, easements and rights of way: The property is being sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights including; rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water and electricity supplies and other rights and obligations, easements and quasi-easements and restrictive covenants and all existing and proposed wayleaves for masts, pylons, stays, cables, drains, water and gas and other pipes whether referred to in these particulars or not.
A public footpath extends along the eastern boundary of the land. Further details are available from the vendor’s agent.
Designations: We are not aware of any designations affecting the land.
Sporting, timber and mineral rights: All sporting, timber and mineral rights are included in the freehold sale, in so far as they are owned.
Services: We have not been made aware of any services connected to the land.
Environment Schemes: The land has historically been registered for payments under the Basic Payment Scheme and all delinked payments and entitlements relevant to the land will not be available to the Purchaser on completion of the sale.
Covenants and/or restrictions: There are restrictions/covenants listed on the Land Registry Title deed. Further details are available upon request from the vendor’s agent.
Fixtures and fittings: All items usually regarded as fixtures and fittings and equipment are specifically excluded from the sale.
Local authority: Herefordshire Council
VAT: Any guide price quoted or discussed is exclusive of VAT. In the event that a sale of the property, or any part of it, or any right attached to it, becomes a chargeable supply for the purposes of VAT, such tax will be payable in addition.
Health and safety: Given the potential hazards of a working farm we ask you to be as vigilant as possible when making your inspection for your own personal safety, particularly around the farm buildings and machinery.
Solicitors: Trowers & Hamlins, The Senate, Southernhay Gardens, Exeter EX1 1UG
Guide Price: £70,000
Directions: From Hereford take the A465 south-west before turning right onto the B4349 heading to Clehonger. Continue until you reach Vowchurch and turn left at the T-junction towards Michaelchurch Escley. At the T-junction in Michaelchurch Escley turn left and follow the road for approximately 0.4 miles then turn right towards Craswell. Take the left-hand turn onto Ty Cradoc Shawls Road for approximately 0.8 miles. The land will be located on the left-hand side of the road where there is gate access. Nearest postcode: HR2 0PR
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Viewing: Strictly by confirmed appointment with the vendor’s agents, Strutt & Parker in Cirencester 01285 653101
This property has 8.08 acres of land. Situation
The land is located approximately 1.5 miles to the southwest of the village of Michaelchurch Escley in Herefordshire. Situated about 16 miles west of Hereford, the land sits within view of the Black Mountains at Craswall and benefits from road frontage with access directly taken from Ty Cradoc Shawls Road to the south.