For SaleProperty in Yeld Lane, Kelsall, Nr Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6£47,500

Yeld Lane, Kelsall, Nr Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6

Property for sale
Property Type
Under Offer

Key Features

  • * Best & Final Offers Thursday 18 January 2024 at 5.30pm Form attached below or contact the office
  • * Guide Price XS £15,500/acre
  • * Good Road Frontage
  • * Accessible Location
  • * Potential for variety of uses


** BEST & FINAL OFFERS BY 5.30PM ON THURSDAY 18 JANUARY 2024 **<br/>An attractive block of accommodation land with frontage to Yeld Lane being conveniently situated for Kelsall and likely to be of interest to local residents, equestrian buyers and the farming community.<br/><br/>LOT 3 – 3.16 ACRES (1.27 HA) ON YELD LANE, KELSALL<br/><br/>LOCATION OF ROAD ACCESS <br/>- WHAT3WORDS.COM/ALTERNATE.DWELLER.CONE<br/><br/>This parcel of land has road frontage and access to Yeld Lane<br/>forming a single enclosure which is laid to grass. The land is<br/>essentially flat but with a gentle slope as it extends back from the lane. In consequence It is suitable for grazing and/or mowing being ideal for somebody wishing to keep a horse. However, it may also offer development potential as it has road frontage with housing to either side but this is a matter for prospective purchasers to progress as the current owners have made no formal enquiries of Cheshire West & Chester Council. The boundaries comprise a combination of mature hedges but are not entirely stockproof and there is no water connected but there is a mains supply running along Yeld Lane.<br/><br/>PROPERTY INFORMATION<br/><br/>Address: Land adjoining Higher Longley Farm on Yeld Lane<br/>and Forest Farm Road, Kelsall, Nr Tarporley, Cheshire.<br/><br/>Tenure: Freehold with vacant possession.<br/><br/>Services: No main services are connected<br/><br/>Local Authority: Cheshire West & Chester Council. Tel: 0300 123 5500<br/><br/>Town & Country Planning: The land is within the jurisdiction of Cheshire West & Chester Council. Within the Local Development Plan, the land is designated as open countryside where policy seeks to restrict development to small scale in-filling and essential facilities for agriculture or forestry and in exceptional circumstances consideration may be given to affordable housing.<br/><br/>Third Party Rights: The land is sold subject to all existing wayleaves, easements and rights of way whether specified or<br/>otherwise. In this connection there are no public footpaths traversing the land.<br/><br/>Future Development: The contract for Lot 3 will contain a clause reserving in favour of the vendor 50% of any uplift in<br/>value arising on the granting of planning permission for any<br/>development associated with residential use within 20 years.<br/><br/>Boundary Responsibilities: Where there are shared internal<br/>boundaries purchasers will be required to jointly bear the cost<br/>of erecting post & 3 rail stockproof fencing unless by mutual<br/>agreement the individual parties agree to vary the specification.<br/><br/>Entitlements: For the avoidance of doubt no Quotas or Basic<br/>Farm Payment entitlements are included in the sale.<br/><br/>Viewing: Strictly by appointment with the Chester Office of<br/>Jackson-Stops - Tel: 01244 328 361.

Yeld Lane, Kelsall, Nr Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 on Map