For SaleProperty in Forest Farmroad Off Yeld Lane, Kelsall, Nr Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6£197,500

Forest Farmroad Off Yeld Lane, Kelsall, Nr Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6

Property for sale
Guide Price: £197,500
Property Type
Guide Price
Under Offer

Key Features

  • * Guide Price £6,500/acre
  • * Good Road Frontage
  • * Accessible Location


An attractive block of accommodation land with frontage to Forest Farm Road being conveniently situated for Kelsall and likely to be of interest to local residents, equestrian buyers and the farming community.<br/><br/>LOT 1 – 30.36 ACRES (12.28 HA) ON FOREST FARM<br/>ROAD, KELSALL<br/><br/>LOCATION OF ROAD ACCESS <br/>WHAT3WORDS.COM/PLEASER.LOSING.ADVANTAGE<br/><br/>This parcel of land has road frontage to the north with a field gate onto Forest Farm Road and is bordered to the west by Longley Wood. The entire block is laid to grass and the field against the lane is suitable for grazing and/or mowing albeit requiring an internal boundary fence erecting against Lot 2, the cost of which will be shared between the buyers of Lots 1 & 2. The remaining land within Lot 1 is more banky with some stone outcrops and wetter areas. As such it is best suited to grazing by livestock and benefits from being protected from the prevailing westerly wind by Longley Wood which serves as a windbreak to shelter grazing cattle. The land is sold with no<br/>water connected but there is a mains supply running along Forest Farm Road.<br/><br/>PROPERTY INFORMATION<br/><br/>Address: Land adjoining Higher Longley Farm on Yeld Lane<br/>and Forest Farm Road, Kelsall, Nr Tarporley, Cheshire.<br/><br/>Tenure: Freehold with vacant possession.<br/><br/>Services: No main services are connected<br/><br/>Local Authority: Cheshire West & Chester Council. Tel: 0300 123 5500<br/><br/>Town & Country Planning: The land is within the jurisdiction of Cheshire West & Chester Council. Within the Local Development Plan, the land is designated as open countryside where policy seeks to restrict development to small scale in-filling and essential facilities for agriculture or forestry and in exceptional circumstances consideration may be given to affordable housing.<br/><br/>Third Party Rights: The land is sold subject to all existing wayleaves, easements and rights of way whether specified or<br/>otherwise. In this connection there are no public footpaths traversing the land.<br/><br/>Future Development: The contract for Lot 3 will contain a clause reserving in favour of the vendor 50% of any uplift in<br/>value arising on the granting of planning permission for any<br/>development associated with residential use within 20 years.<br/><br/>Boundary Responsibilities: Where there are shared internal<br/>boundaries purchasers will be required to jointly bear the cost<br/>of erecting post & 3 rail stockproof fencing unless by mutual<br/>agreement the individual parties agree to vary the specification.<br/><br/>Entitlements: For the avoidance of doubt no Quotas or Basic<br/>Farm Payment entitlements are included in the sale.<br/><br/>Viewing: Strictly by appointment with the Chester Office of<br/>Jackson-Stops - Tel: 01244 328 361.

Forest Farmroad Off Yeld Lane, Kelsall, Nr Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 on Map